The Research Data Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (FDZ-DZHW)

Security and data protection with Drupal

Publication date

The Research Data Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (FDZ-DZHW) archives quantitative and qualitative data from higher education research and science studies and makes it available for secondary use.

As the data may allow conclusions to be drawn about individual persons, it is scientifically anonymised at the FDZ. Depending on the desired access method (download, remote desktop or on site), data sets are available with varying degrees of anonymisation. Strict processes must be followed both for applications for data use and for the transfer of research data. Applications are submitted and processed via the online service portal.

The system developed by a third party revealed serious security gaps in our audit before going live, which we have closed. In the process, we also added a few missing functions. Database backups are automatically pseudonymised for use during further development.

During further development, we also gradually trained the project team on the customer side in configuration issues and set up a process that makes it possible to collaborate on the system.

