
Culture in southern Lower Saxony with OpenCulturas

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The Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen is a municipal association for regional cultural promotion.

The aim of kulturis is to make culture visible and tangible, especially in rural areas, and to enable cultural professionals to become independent of commercial platforms. This project has significantly driven the development of OpenCulturas.

Import interfaces were developed for special requirements in order to aggregate event dates from several platforms on kulturis. In the course of this, a generic option for the editorial "takeover" of own profiles was created, so that cultural professionals receive the greatest possible digital sovereignty through the platform.

As the next major building block for OpenCulturas, kulturis is currently driving forward the development of comments and discussion forums.


Regional cultural marketing made simple: With OpenCulturas as a platform, cultural professionals are able to retain control over their information and present their up-to-date information to a broad...

